Sponsor: Bevins
Benefits: Rosedale Roofing
This Bill further degrades the purpose and protections of the BL zone and is total crap! It would allow most of the ML (Manufacturing Light) uses by right and by special exception on a parcel otherwise zoned BL (Business Local) if the parcel is:
- Within the URDL
- BL as of April 16, 2018
- Having at least a portion within 1,250 ft of property that is zoned
ML-IM-M43 within the MD 43 Overlay Disitrict as of April 16, 2018 that is under common ownership with at least 800 acres zoned ML-IM-M43 within the MD 43 Overlay District (Original text shown crossed out and new underlined - the resulting text really does not make sense.)
While allowing all these ML uses, it does not even incorporate the screening requirements from residential boundaries and motorways that apply to ML.
This is clearly intended to benefit a specific property in the new White Marsh area. The proper procedure, if it would be proper for these uses to exist on this parcel, would be to change the zoning to ML during the next CZMP.
Introduced Apr 16, 2018; passed May 24; effective June 2
Campaign contributions to Bevins from Rosedale Roofing: $2000 on May 1, 2018.
This Bill as introduced was completely faulty. There are only two ML IM M43 areas (380 and 53 acres, but not contiguous and not even under common ownership) along White Marsh Blvd around Greenleigh Ave and Crossroads Cir and to the east. (The other large adjacent area which, if added, would exceed the 800 acres, is MH IM M43 and is not all under common ownership.) The only BL areas within 1,250 ft of the ML IM M43 are much closer (80 and 600 ft away). In fact, ownership of all of the 380a of the major ML IM M43 area is broken up into many LLC's, thus proably not legally "common ownership". Because of this, the bill was amended before being passed, demonstrating again the need for a better technical review before being introduced. I believe this change may have been prompted by comments I made to a friend about this mistake.